Hey there! It's been few days since I launched my blog/blog-ck ;) and it's already the end of January. Tomorrow will be the first day of February. Time really flies and we never even realize it. Unless of course if you think of time all the time :P Anyway, I suddenly have the urge to post something relatively interesting perhaps? Well it's not all that interesting if you don't take it that way. Here's something which happened on the 31st of January around the world.

31st January (Events)

1. It's Justin Timberlake's Birthday! Well what do you know?
2. Philip Glass' birthday (He's an American composer) 
3. Burma opens its new parliament 
4. Mary Lund of Minn, is 1st female recipient of an artificial heart 
5. U.S. performs nuclear test at Nevada Test Site 
6. Robert Gibson flies record 27,040 feet altitude 
7. Guy Fawkes was executed after being convicted for his role in the "Gunpowder Plot"  
    against the English Parliament and King James I
8. Keanu Reeves received a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame
9. An Alaska Airlines jet crashed into the ocean off Southern California. All 88 people on   
    board were killed   
10. McDonald's Corp. opened its first fast-food restaurant in Moscow, Russia

Well, I guess that's probably few things about the events occurred on the 31st of January. Some of us never even consider every days of our life to be somewhat special unless of course something extraordinary happens. In our life, everyday things happen for some reason and that is part of our life. Anyway, time flies and we should appreciate every single moment in our life because we will never able to turn back the clock and enjoy those precious moments and what we can do after the time had passed is only to look back and reminisce with regret. Just my thoughts for today.

~~~~~~~ Kris